August 03, 2007

Ext Releases version 1.1

I have been keeping tabs on this library for some time. After I found the v1.1’s candidate release few weeks ago, I have been learning how to built interface using the Ext library. So, what’s new with the Ext 1.1? You can download the new version here.

The new release includes stand-alone version of Ext, a lightweight HTML editor, a new Ext.Ajax utility class, enhancements to DateField and DatePicker, expanded documentation and bug fixes. Out of this the major advancement that you will see the is the stand-alone base library. Now Ext no longer requires you to use a 3rd party library like YUI or Prototype, but you still have the option to make use of the 3rd party libraries if required.

Another major advancement is the new WYSIWYG html editor. The main idea was to make an html editor that integrates well with the other Ext components and also keep it extremely light weight. The new editor is said to be only 12k in size and easily customizable. For a demo check this out.

The other enhancement that will catch your eye is the new Ajax utility class. The Ext.Ajax provides features to handle global Ajax events. These events includes queuing and combining Ajax requests into a single call, cancel requests, provide data locally, add parameters, etc. I will look in-depth to this matter as I will be using this Ajax class. :)

Now regarding the documentation, I still don’t find any tutorial that will kick start a new developer and make him adapt Ext easily. I would say the API documentation is really good but still need improvement when it comes to beginners. But for now,I will download the v1.1 and start playing.

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